Using sustainable resources
Sustainable use of natural resources in production maximizes the business potential to transform
environmental challenges into economic opportunities and offers better and more cost effective products to producers of paper & board. By using waste paper, paper & board producers allow for a continuous replenishment of the life-cycle of their products and simultaneously give consumers the opportunity to contribute to environmental sustainability, without changing their daily routine and habits. By using recycled paper products, consumers are empowered not only to develop environmental awareness, but also to participate in the efforts for the preservation of our natural inhabitance. Overall, by using sustainable resources, such as waste paper, customers of Budafok Recycling support
the efforts for minimizing the environmental impact of the industry in a beneficiary way for themselves,
the consumer and the planet.
Recycling benefits
Recycling allows producers to create more with less, by delivering greater value with fewer resources.
Taking advantage of what is already available and can be reused or repurposed, recycling provides
economical solutions in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Recycling saves energy,
money and raw materials, while providing growth opportunities. In Budafok Recycling, we make the best out of what is available, using waste paper stock in the most
efficient manner, minimizing the impact to the environment and giving paper & board producers the
opportunity to increase their efficiency through our products.